OCC Bylaws Review Committee

March 5, 2025

Presentation from Members Meeting, March 5, 2025

February 26, 2025

The Board passed the following version:

Bylaws Proposal for Membership Consideration

Redline comparison of current bylaws versus the proposal

February 9, 2025

Met with the Membership Committee and used input to slightly redraft the proposal. This is the version sent to the Board for consideration at their February 26 meeting.

This memo provides a short outline of the process and notes some of the edits. Various committees were given a short presentation concerning the proposal and this memo was distributed. The intent was to visit all the committees and meet with some other stakeholders but due to scheduling issues, they were not all visited.

November, 2024 - January, 2025

Worked through various drafts of the bylaws using the current set of bylaws in addition to using a former proposal.

January 24 with no comments

January 24 with comments

January 24 with current bylaws incorporated

January 10 with current bylaws incorporated

January 3 with current bylaws incorporated

January 2 (v2) with current bylaws incorporated

January 2 with highlighted edits

December 30 with highlighted edits

December 23 with highlighted edits

December 12

December 9

October, 2024

After some email exchanges the committee received various drafts of past bylaws reviews. A couple of members of the committee met and discussed review and passage strategies.

Regarding seeking adoption by the membership, the current strategy is to break up the revisions into multiple sections and seek adoption section by section. The first section reviewed will be membership related provisions.

In accordance with this strategy, the committee will review and prepare a proposal covering Artciles I to Article VIII of the current bylaws.

After reviewing independantly, the committee will reconvene in early November to begin the review process in earnest.

If you wish to receive emails from the Commission concerning our progress, please email to be added to the news email list at [email protected].

If you wish to provide specific input, please submit this form to have your comments and suggestions heard.

For additional questions, please contact one of the committee members. Their names are listed here.